Challenge #46 ~ Words or Whatever 17

Good news! Since inlinkz was set to the wrong closing date (and is now fixed), the chipboard contest will remain open until June 10.  Winners will be announced by June 15th. Thanks for understanding!


What an exciting month we’ve had! Time to wrap it up… Words or Whatever has been gracious enough to sponsor XoXo Scrapbooking this month. WOW has provided every team member with some gorgeous flexible chipboard pieces AND plenty for PRIZES, too! So not only can you win a guest design team spot with us, but there will be a random drawing at the end of the month and there will be five – yes, 5! – winners!

But ya have to enter to win.

For the month of May, join us in celebrating chipboard. Design a layout with chipboard on it.

  • Every layout that you link up gets a ticket for the random drawing.
  • If you happen to create with a piece from WOW, you get two tickets.

That’s it – chip it and create some WOW!


Our next layout is from
Lindsey Krauss!

14 friend are angels mckenna and shannan copyright

That title screamed for a little tlc – I kept it simple with Sharpies and glitter mist. I thought I’d have a little fun with color on this one!

This title and so, so many more are right here!

p.s. xoxo 

Comment here, we'd love to hear from you! p.s. xoxo!